Status update, December 2022

Originally published on Hello all! So far when writing these I’d wait till the 14th/15th/16th and then use github endpoints to walk-back all the history I’d made that month. eg ones for issues, pull requests, and commits. However, I feel like this misses out on a lot of research and other ‘soft’ work as many call it. So I think going into the new year I’m going to take notes as I go along, much more similar to a journal and then edit it in the final days....

December 20, 2022

Send and Compose Plain Text Emails in Thunderbird

Originally published on Send Inbox > Write Options > Delivery Format > Plain Text Only Compose From the main menubar, Edit > Account Settings Go to “Composition & Addressing” Un-check “Compose messages in HTML format”...

December 19, 2022

Hello Mataroa

Originally published on This is a very nice site and pretty in line with what Ive been looking for lately. will likely still have its uses but Hugo/git based blog feels like a lot of friction that I feel stops me from writing sometimes. I fell behind on my monthly status updates and I’ve sure been busy. I went to SYCL and met tons of cool folks in Milan and had my birthday this month as well....

November 25, 2022

Status update, August 2022

Hello all! I had quite a few life happenings this month and ran into some unexpected complications with projects so I’m not quite where I thought I was going to be with progress this update, but there’s still a good amount to talk about so I’ll get into it. I marked my 6 and 2 month anniversaries with my partners, I started a new job at Humu on the 8/8 after being laid off from my previous company back in mid April, and I did some logistical organizing to make developing at my apartment vs my partners' apartment more smooth....

August 18, 2022

Status update, July 2022

Hello! It’s been a very warm July in Portland and I can’t wait for it to continue. Last month I started on an article announcing a new project, Magnolia Desktop. If it grows beyond being a personal project I see it as a challenge to the GTK stronghold to bring new life to both developer and user experience. I ended that article saying that next up on my list of things to work on was icons and more, and in the midst of working on the icon demo I ran into a number of seemingly unavoidable miscompilations....

July 19, 2022

Magnolia Desktop

Hello again! I want to start doing “Status update” style articles and more writing in general so I thought I’d announce on here the main project I’ve been working on recently amongst all my other open source work. Magnolia is a new UI toolkit written entirely from scratch in Zig for Linux desktops. It has a focus on ease-of-use, performance, and supporting older devices. The only runtime system dependencies are X11 and OpenGL....

June 18, 2022

I've Switched to NixOS

The original creation date on this article is 17 Jan 2022 and I’ve been running NixOS 21.05 since then. Previously I’d been running a mix of Debian and Ubuntu and I don’t think I’ll be switching back anytime soon. Granted, I have not officially performed an update in that time, though I do not suspect it going badly in the ways that other distributions have bricked my Linux installs in the past....

June 18, 2022

Add Your PGP Key to Github for Verified Commits

This post assumes you’ve already read Generating a PGP key. I’ll be using my key for these examples but you’ll want to replace 95535225B55B5A9F39E29F5EDAB85EABB6014D3F with your own in the commands. For adding it to github run the following and copy the whole output. gpg --armor --export 95535225B55B5A9F39E29F5EDAB85EABB6014D3F That will generate a very long wall of text encapsulated by -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Then navigate to https://github....

March 21, 2021

Enable GPG Commit Signing in Git

This post assumes you’ve already read Generating a PGP key. I’ll be using my key for these examples but you’ll want to replace 95535225B55B5A9F39E29F5EDAB85EABB6014D3F with your own in the commands. git config --global user.signingkey 95535225B55B5A9F39E29F5EDAB85EABB6014D3F git config --global commit.gpgsign true This will automatically sign all of your commits with the key you added to user.signingkey....

March 21, 2021

Generating a PGP Key

For this we’ll be using GnuPG, aka GPG, which is a common implementation of the PGP spec. $ gpg --full-generate-key As this will be your master key, make sure to pick RSA and RSA, 4096 bits, and does not expire for the generation options. Once it is complete, it will print the details of it. Here’s what I got as an example. pub rsa4096 2021-03-21 [SC] 95535225B55B5A9F39E29F5EDAB85EABB6014D3F uid Meghan Denny <hello@nektro....

March 21, 2021